
I invest my experience and free time in making the tool available. As you could see, I'm not a professional developer. However, I like to be able to deliver a professional looking tool. The next thin to achieve is to be able to deliver a hassle-free installation of the tool. Therefore I must have a specific certificate. But this one costs money.
DonateSoftware Certificate

In order to solve the problem of having to manage different operating systems, and the fact that I can't develop for Mac, it is quite possible to offer the most common feature online. Upload a file, convert it to pdf or to ubl, depending on the case, everywere. Of course the hosting and storage has some cost...
DonateOnline tool

I started with the most obvious operations, and then based on feedback and usage, the tool can extend. the ability to extract more data from a UBL to make a more complete PDF, the ability to use different VAT regimes when converting from one to the other are some quick ideas of improvement...